What is heart? Heart according to anatomy perspective is a muscular organ that is vital for all living thing. Heart is a muscular organ about the size of a fist, located just behind and slightly left of the breastbone. The heart pumps blood through the network of arteries and veins called the cardiovascular system.
While from philosophical perspective, heart can be define as the centre of the total personality. It is referring to intuition, feeling or emotion. According to Aristotle, “Heart as the seat of thought, reason or emotion.” Which mean heart plays a very important role in oneself.
Another quote stating about the importance of heart, Stoics taught that the heart was the seat of soul. Based on an opinion made by Galen ; Roman physician located the seat of passion in the liver, seat of reason in the brain and heart as the seat of emotion.
In Quran there are about 132 verses mentioning about heart. For example, "... and whoever believes in Allah, (Allah) guides his heart (Al-Taghabun, 64: 11)", "Allah has not made for any man two hearts in his chest (Al-Ahzab, 33: 4)" and etc. The meaning of each verses different than the other. Some verse mentioning about believes, love, guidance and many more. this can conclude that heart reacts with issues related to good and evil.
"At HeartMath we’ve spent the last 15 years diligently studying “heart” physically, emotionally and spiritually. Our researchers have been mapping the communication pathways between the heart, the brain and the rest of body while also studying the effects of positive emotions on health and performance. What we’ve learned is that the heart is the master controller in the human system capable of sending powerful, healing commands throughout the entire body. These signals from the heart have a dynamic impact on the nervous, hormonal and immune systems. They also influence brain function and have the ability to improve cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, psychological problems and more. In essence our old friend the heart may be the best healer of all."
Heart as the center of a man. Which indeed the heart is the thing that controlling a man's thought, doing etc. If a heart is a pure as a white cloth, than the man is pure, well being etc. But on the other hand, if the heart of a man is as dark as pit black than all his doing, act will be judge or dim as bad. That is the power of heart. A pure heart give out a positive energy to the surrounding while a bad or dirty heart give out all negative energy.
To find a good man, first we must look deep into his heart. Judge his act, being, thought etc before judging him a good or bad man.
3' x 2'
Acrylic, Pencil Color, Bitumen, Collage on Canvas
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*still new in this kinda writing.*